Peer Review Process

Scientific manuscripts submitted to the Brazilian Journal of Hair Health (BJHH) undergo a rigorous and confidential peer review process. Each submission is blindly evaluated by at least two external reviewers, who are selected based on their specialty and/or expertise in the study's topic (Double-blind peer review). The BJHH ensures that these reviewers are not members of its editorial team, to maintain impartiality and the integrity of the review process.

The BJHH is committed to ethical standards in its review process. Therefore, opinions from evaluators who have a conflict of interest with the submitted study or the team of authors will not be considered. This policy is in place to safeguard the scientific objectivity and decision-making power of the reviewers. Reviewers are required to declare if they are unable to evaluate a study due to any potential conflict of interest.

For the evaluation process, reviewers are suggested to provide their opinions within 10 consecutive days from the date of manuscript assignment. In cases where reviewers need an extension beyond this period, the Editor-in-Chief of BJHH will be informed. The Editor-in-Chief may then contact the reviewers for updates and, if necessary, appoint new reviewers to expedite the editorial process.

The evaluations and opinions provided by the reviewers are carefully considered by the BJHH's Editor-in-Chief. Based on these reviews, the final decision regarding the manuscript will be made and communicated to the authors. This decision marks the next step in the BJHH's editorial process for the submitted manuscript.