Ethical Aspects

Research in hair health, like all areas of biomedical research, must strictly adhere to universal ethical principles. This section provides guidance for authors on essential ethical guidelines, ensuring the integrity and ethical accountability of their research.

Adherence to the Declaration of Helsinki: All studies involving human subjects must adhere to the principles set out in the Declaration of Helsinki. Authors should ensure informed consent is obtained from all participants, and the research is conducted with respect for their privacy and confidentiality.

Compliance with National and International Guidelines: Authors are required to comply with national laws and international guidelines relevant to their research. This includes, but is not limited to, the National Health Council Resolution 466/12 in Brazil, which provides guidelines for research involving human subjects.

Institutional Review Board Approval: Manuscripts must include a statement indicating that the study was approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or equivalent ethics committee. This ensures that ethical standards are maintained and that the research has undergone rigorous ethical review.

Reporting Clinical Trials: For clinical trials, authors should follow the CONSORT guidelines and register their study in a publicly accessible database, such as, before the enrollment of the first participant.

Ethical Considerations in Case Reports and Clinical Images: Authors submitting case reports and clinical images must obtain consent from the patients or legal guardians. Care must be taken to anonymize any information that could identify the patient.

Animal Research: If applicable, research involving animals must adhere to ethical guidelines for animal experimentation, including proper animal care and humane treatment.

Conflict of Interest and Funding: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and acknowledge all sources of funding that supported the research.

Publication Ethics: The journal adheres to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) standards. Authors are expected to follow these guidelines to prevent issues like plagiarism, data falsification, and unethical research practices.

This comprehensive approach to ethical guidelines ensures that research published in the Brazilian Journal of Hair Health maintains the highest standards of ethical integrity and compliance with both national and international regulations.